Supply details for your fishing permit(s)! Näckten (600 kr/item)

ID: 457

Year card / Näcktens FVO

Issued by Näcktens FVO in cooperation with
Fishing permit #1:Validity: Valid for 365 days   
Price: 600 kr (SEK, Incl 25% VAT)
From what date and time should it be valid from:

 (Todays date: 6 Oct 2024)
Mobile phone number:
If you do not have a mobile phone, please supply your home number. 
First and last name:
Street adress:
SMS notification?
 Rules and regulations & Terms & Conditions
The text on this page is machine translated. We can not guarantee that the translation from Swedish to English is 100% accurate. Please refer to the Swedish page for the correct, original version of the text.

In Näkten, children and young people under the age of 15 fish free of charge. In other waters within the fisheries management area, children and young people under the age of 15 fish for free in the company of a guardian who has a valid fishing license.

The nightingale's fvof consists of several different waters. In lake Näkten, hand gear fishing from land is free for everyone. That is, with, for example, a casting rod from land. Hand gear means a rod or similar gear that is equipped with a line and a maximum of 10 hooks. In addition, "the fishing method as such must not presuppose the use of a boat.

For fishing that is not covered by free land fishing, such as pimpel fishing, fishing licenses must be redeemed.

For all types of fishing in other waters within the fisheries management area than Lake Näkten, fishing licenses must be redeemed.

Prices: SEK 100/day, SEK 300/week, SEK 600/year.
Trolling card: SEK 200/day, SEK 600/week, SEK 1000/year.

For fishing right owners free of charge within their own estate and for the entire area SEK 300/year.

ATTENTION! Trolling license: It entitles the fishing license holder to all types of fishing on the lake including trolling. During ongoing trolling, not everyone on the boat needs to have a fishing license.

It is permitted to fish with:
• Down otters, drag otters, trolling and drag rowing with a maximum of 10 baits per boat.
• A maximum of 180 meters of bottom-set nets with a maximum depth of three meters.
• A bottomed long line with no more than 100 hooks. The hooks must not be floated.
• A maximum of six Russians or cages. (Cages also refer to tins, cages and similar equipment).
• Max 2 hand-held fishing gear per fisherman

Other general rules

• Fishing ban all year round in all flowing rivers and streams

• Fishing ban all year in Billstaån down to the old power plant

• Minimum size in all waters: trout: 40 cm, char: 40 cm. Caught trout and char below the minimum size must be released again.

• During the time period August 15 through October 31, net fishing is prohibited directly outside all stream outlets and within a radius of 500 from them.

• All fishing gear including net floats that are left unattended must be clearly marked with name and telephone number.

Other Exceptions
• Örvatnet: Net and otter fishing reserved only for fishing right owners.
• Nord- and Östernordtjärn: Only sport fishing with hand gear. Cards must be resolved.
• Sjöendtjärn and Namnlöstjärn: Only sport fishing with hand gear.

• Flobergssjön, Stor & Lillocksjön and Tallmyrtjärn: Fishing prohibited.


Fishing without a valid fishing license leads to rejection from the site and may lead to a police report

Where fishing takes place that deviates from the fisheries management area's regulations, the fisheries management area or its representatives in the form of supervisors have the right to charge a control fee. The fee may vary depending on the violation, however, a maximum of 10% of the current price base amount (price base amount in 2023 is SEK 52,500)

Unmarked fishing equipment found as well as equipment used in illegal fishing (poaching) may be dealt with and confiscated.

Clarification regarding children/young people:

In Näkten, children and young people under the age of 15 fish free of charge. In other waters within the fisheries management area, children and young people under the age of 15 fish for free in the company of a guardian who has a valid fishing license.

Näkten's fishing conservation area opens up for children/youths under 15 years of age to fish in all streams around Näkten except for Billstaån, where fishing is prohibited all year round. Goalkeeper must accompany.


In case of questions. Mail

School classes and companies: Contact Chairperson Anna Hallgren

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