iFiskes app is available for several types of Smartphones. The application is designed to work on both iPhone, Android and Windows Phone.
With the iFiske app you can:
- Available in several languages
- Create a free user account
- Find fishing areas and waters based on county and name
- Find fish water areas through interactive maps
- Local fishing rules
- Explore local maps, points of interest, fishing zones and boundries
- See fishery conservation area boundaries, boat ramps, etc. on a map (if programmed)
- Find Links to buy a fishing license online
- Store and see your purchased fishing licenses in the app
- Mark favorite waters and subscribe to the catch/fishing reports, for free
- Get more information on laws, regulations, etc.
- Read more about the different fishing methods and fish species
- etc
The app displays information about all fishing areas connected to the iFiske service. The app downloads the information database offline, storing it locally on your phone to work fube even when you do not have internet access or bad coverage.
Open source code
Starting with version 3 of our app's source code iFiskes application is open under the Apache License and is available on GitHub. The application is built in HTML5 and uses Cordova / Ionic, Node.js and Angular.js
This means that it is free for anyone to download and experiment with the code. Please contribute to the development of the application, you might have an idea of addition or improvement? (Note that all information and data that is downloaded and displayed by the app are copyright protected and are not free)
All third-party libraries, frameworks and licenses are included in the app are listed inside the app.
Free source code, but not free data ...
The source code of the application is open, but the information and data available on iFiske.se is still not free or free without copyright jighead AB. The information on iFiske is a collection of works and the copyright to this compilation belongs to the company.
There is a well documented and powerful REST based API (application programming interface) for iFiske going to have access to, for example, for third party applications and services. In order to obtain the right to use the information on iFiske and access to documentation about the API and an API key needed an agreement with us. Contact us at kundservice@ifiske.se for more information.