Fishing rules - Fishing license and fishing permit
Allowed tools and maximum number
Angel teeth 15pcs
Crayfish cage/crayfish trap 10pcs (NOTE! Separate card required for crayfish fishing from 2025 onwards)
Longline 100 hook
Mjärde 3pcs
Net 4pcs
Russian 1st
Rod (hand gear) Stand / float hook 15pcs
Marking of tools
All outstanding equipment must be marked with a name and mobile phone number. Unmarked equipment will be confiscated upon inspection by a supervisor.
Fishing rules
1. A valid fishing license entitles the holder of the license, his/her spouse or cohabitant, and their children up to and including the year the child turns 18. A valid fishing license must always be carried and shown to the supervisor. Trout fishing is limited to a maximum of 3 fish per day and license.
All fishing is prohibited from October 25th until the ice forms in Lilla & Stora Ulvsjön, Lilla & Stora Noran, Torsktjärn and Halldammen. The exception is net fishing for pike perch. The mesh size of the net may not exceed 22mm.
All net fishing is prohibited west of Prästnäset/Långudden in Stora Noran and in Hagsjön.
Crayfish fishing 2025
Crayfish fishing requires that you purchase a separate crayfish card when special information is sent out to everyone who has purchased a Fishing Permit/Location Card.
Crayfish fishing will take place in August, more information will come later.
Crayfish cages/ponds must be located at least 20 m from the neighbor's cage/pond.
6. Pulsing or any other means of scaring fish into fishing gear is prohibited.
7. Otter fishing is prohibited.
Inspection fee
Silvbergs Fiskevårdsområdesförening applies a Control Fee (currently 500 SEK) if you are caught violating the above rules.
Contact persons
If you would like to report illegal fishing or other observations, you can contact one of our
Håkan Fredriksson Sandvik 073 321 91 37
Per Hedlöf Grängshammar 070 325 30 01
Bernt Rodin Norbo 070 734 28 47
Tommy Håx Skenshyttan 070 677 61 11
Åke Sterner Flaxan 070 604 31 37
Hans Reyier Koppslahyttan 070 235 26 94