Catch report Knislingebygdens FVOF #445637

06-16  Lars Persson
 Fishing method:Trolling
 Best lure/bait:Wobbler midsize (11-20 cm)
 Helgeå, Almaån och Gummastorpssjön
 • 2 fish(es) Pike  at a total of 3.6 kg, Avg. Weight 1.80 kg. at a total of 140.0 cm, Average length 70.00 cm.  "Two pikes approx. 70 cm, 1.8 kg "   (  No, released!)
 Helgeå, Almaån och Gummastorpssjön

Vädret denna dag, 2024-06-16

Time 01:00 05:00 08:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Klar himmel

Spridda moln

Spridda moln

Spridda moln

Spridda moln



Skuggande moln
Pressure1009 hPa1010 hPa1010 hPa1010 hPa1010 hPa1010 hPa1010 hPa1011 hPa
Wind Speed1.9 m/s1.4 m/s3.8 m/s4.6 m/s5.2 m/s5.7 m/s3.9 m/s3.8 m/s
Wind direction

S (183°)

SÖ (138°)

SÖ (156°)

SÖ (151°)

SÖ (143°)

SÖ (141°)

ÖSÖ (134°)

ÖSÖ (123°)
Väderdata från OpenWeatherMap

Catch reports, Knislingebygdens FVOF

09-18  Peter Gustafsson
 Fishing method:Deadbaiting
 Best lure/bait:Dead fish
 Helgeå, Almaån och Gummastorpssjön
 • 1 fish(es) Catfish  at 0.8 kg and 60 cm.  "Didn't weigh the fish - CR straight away. The measurements are estimated, and should not be seen as exact. "   (  No, released!)
08-02  Helen Persson Hosshage
 Fishing method:Rowing boat trolling
 Best lure/bait:Jig / Soft Bait (Fish-like)
 Helgeå, Almaån och Gummastorpssjön
 • 1 fish(es) Pike  at 3.0 kg and 750 cm.  (  No, released!)
06-28  Melker Hansson
 Fishing method:Trolling
 Best lure/bait:Wobbler small (0-10 cm)
 Helgeå, Almaån och Gummastorpssjön
 • 1 fish(es) Pike  at 4.3 kg and 80 cm.  "Couldn't measure the length of fishing so I estimated."   (  No, released!)
07-17  Lars Persson
 Fishing method:Trolling
 Best lure/bait:Jig / Soft Bait (Tail / Grub)
 Helgeå, Almaån och Gummastorpssjön
 • 1 fish(es) Pike  at 3.5 kg and 75 cm.  (  No, released!)
09-23  Lars Persson
 Fishing method:Trolling
 Best lure/bait:Wobbler midsize (11-20 cm)
 Helgeå, Almaån och Gummastorpssjön
 • 1 fish(es) Pike  at 0.7 kg and 45 cm.  (  No, released!)
09-23  Helen Persson Hosshage
 Fishing method:Rowing boat trolling
 Best lure/bait:Jig / Soft Bait (Tail / Grub)
 Helgeå, Almaån och Gummastorpssjön
 • 1 fish(es) Pike  at 1.6 kg and 55 cm.  (  No, released!)
09-21  Oskar Igelström
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Wobbler small (0-10 cm)
 Helgeå, Almaån och Gummastorpssjön
 • 5 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 0.1 kg, Avg. Weight 0.02 kg. at a total of 10.0 cm, Average length 2.00 cm.  (  No, released!)
08-29  Jan-Erik Andersson
 Fishing method:Rowing boat trolling
 Best lure/bait:Wobbler small (0-10 cm)
 Helgeå, Almaån och Gummastorpssjön
 • 1 fish(es) Zander  at 2.8 kg and 50 cm.

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