Catch report Arbrå Östra FVF #517734

01-11  Jonas berglund
 Fishing method:Jig
 Best lure/bait:Maggot
 Ränningen med bifl.Ljusnan
 • 1 fish(es) Char  at 0.5 kg.  "One stab all day. Completely dead otherwise "
 Ränningen med bifl.Ljusnan

Vädret denna dag, 2025-01-11

Time 01:00 05:00 08:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Spridda moln

Spridda moln

Spridda moln

Spridda moln

Klar himmel

Klar himmel

Spridda moln

Spridda moln
Pressure1018 hPa1019 hPa1020 hPa1020 hPa1021 hPa1023 hPa1026 hPa1028 hPa
Wind Speed2.9 m/s2.5 m/s2.8 m/s2.6 m/s3.6 m/s3.5 m/s2.2 m/s2.0 m/s
Wind direction

NNV (339°)

NV (332°)

NV (331°)

NV (336°)

NNV (351°)

NNV (347°)

NV (332°)

NV (321°)
Väderdata från OpenWeatherMap

Catch reports, Arbrå Östra FVF

11-02  Patrik Harrysson
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Spoon bait
  "Pretty bloody windy and cold, but the fish don't catch themselves. "
  Ränningen med bifl.Ljusnan
 • 1 fish(es) Brown Trout  at 0.9 kg.  "The trout had a slightly funny rear end."
10-15  Patrik Harrysson
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Spoon bait
  "The run. Windy at first but sunny throughout the day, really nice."
  Ränningen med bifl.Ljusnan
 • 1 fish(es) Brown Trout  at 0.8 kg.  "The spoon I bought just before the fishing paid off."
 • 1 fish(es) Char  at 0.3 kg.  "My brother caught this on a spoon. Dotted just right on a series of wakes."
10-02  Patrik Harrysson
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Spoon bait
  "The run. Partly cloudy day, but almost windless. Perceived quite a bit of fish activity periodically. "
  Ränningen med bifl.Ljusnan
 • 1 fish(es) Rainbow trout  at 0.7 kg.
 • 1 fish(es) Brown Trout  at 0.8 kg.  "Very nice trout. Got on the first cast straight from the jetty. That must happen sometimes too... Observation: Could be wild trout? Farmed trout may have their adipose fin cut, while wild ones have theirs intact like this. "
07-17  Manu El
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Spoon bait
  "The new rainbows aren't biting yet, but I was lucky enough to get an "old one"."
 • 1 fish(es) Brown Trout  at 1.3 kg.
01-11  Hans sörqvist
 Fishing method:Jig
 Best lure/bait:Shrimp
 Ränningen med bifl.Ljusnan
 • 3 fish(es) Rainbow trout  at a total of 3.0 kg, Avg. Weight 1.00 kg.  "Wet on the ice"
01-10  Viktor Hamberg
 Fishing method:Jig
 Best lure/bait:Maggot
  "Lost a rainbow, otherwise completely dead."
  Ränningen med bifl.Ljusnan
 • No fish
11-05  Patrik Harrysson
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Spinner small (0-5 gr)
 Ränningen med bifl.Ljusnan
 • 1 fish(es) Brown Trout  at 0.3 kg.
08-14  Anders Holmgren
 Fishing method:Angling
 Best lure/bait:Shrimp
 Ränningen med bifl.Ljusnan
 • No fish

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