Catch report Laxåsjöarnas FVF #517865

01-12  Marita Vualukka
 Fishing method:Jig
 Best lure/bait:Maggot
 Östra och Västra Laxsjön, Örkaggen mfl
 • 3 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 0.5 kg, Avg. Weight 0.17 kg.
 Östra och Västra Laxsjön, Örkaggen mfl

Vädret denna dag, 2025-01-12

Time 01:00 05:00 08:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Klar himmel

Klar himmel

Klar himmel

Klar himmel

Skuggande moln


Klar himmel

Några moln
Pressure1027 hPa1030 hPa1033 hPa1034 hPa1035 hPa1037 hPa1037 hPa1038 hPa
Wind Speed3.1 m/s2.0 m/s1.2 m/s1.4 m/s1.5 m/s1.7 m/s2.0 m/s2.3 m/s
Wind direction

NV (330°)

NV (328°)

VNV (304°)

VNV (300°)

V (283°)

V (279°)

VSV (264°)

SV (242°)
Väderdata från OpenWeatherMap

Catch reports, Laxåsjöarnas FVF

01-12  Henry Hermansson
 Fishing method:Jig
 Best lure/bait:Pirk
  "ok ice. 8 to 15 cm"
  Östra Laxsjön
 • 9 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 2.2 kg, Avg. Weight 0.24 kg.  "Calm minus 8"
 • 35 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 3.3 kg, Avg. Weight 0.09 kg.  "Re-Exposed"   (  No, released!)
01-11  Henry Hermansson
 Fishing method:Jig
 Best lure/bait:Pirk
  "cold windy"
  Östra Laxsjön
 • 18 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 4.4 kg, Avg. Weight 0.24 kg.
 • 25 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 2.2 kg, Avg. Weight 0.09 kg.  (  No, released!)
11-02  Joakim Eriksson
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Jig / Soft Bait (Fish-like)
 Östra och Västra Laxsjön, Örkaggen mfl
 • 1 fish(es) Pike  at 9.0 kg.  (  No, released!)
10-15  Torben Vestergaard
 Fishing method:Vertical Fishing
 Best lure/bait:Jig / Soft Bait (Tail / Grub)
  "From Kayak!"
  Östra och Västra Laxsjön, Örkaggen mfl
 • 13 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 2.0 kg, Avg. Weight 0.15 kg.  "The perch was home and I got some. Took 7 with me home for food. The rest had to swim on. Between 300 and 500 gram pieces!"
01-09  Henry Hermansson
 Fishing method:Jig
 Best lure/bait:Pirk
  "ice 3-9 cm"
  Östra Laxsjön
 • 8 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 1.7 kg, Avg. Weight 0.21 kg.
 • 18 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 0.7 kg, Avg. Weight 0.04 kg.  (  No, released!)
01-05  Henry Hermansson
 Fishing method:Jig
 Best lure/bait:Pirk
  "Eastern Salmon Lake. 1-7 cm of ice"
  Östra och Västra Laxsjön, Örkaggen mfl
 • 5 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 0.7 kg, Avg. Weight 0.14 kg.  "Limited fishing due to thin ice."
 • 35 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 0.7 kg, Avg. Weight 0.02 kg.  "Re-Exposed"   (  No, released!)
01-04  Henry Hermansson
 Fishing method:Jig
 Best lure/bait:Pirk
  "4-6 cm of ice. Baltic Sea"
  Östra och Västra Laxsjön, Örkaggen mfl
 • 35 fish(es) Perch  at a total of 0.5 kg, Avg. Weight 0.01 kg.  "Only small ones. "
10-03  Anja Höppner
 Fishing method:Spinning
 Best lure/bait:Spinner midsize (6-12 grams)
  "Zu kalt, ohne Boot , aber unbelievably schöne Landschaft "
  Östra och Västra Laxsjön, Örkaggen mfl
 • No fish

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