Signal crayfish ("Signalkräfta") Overview

Signal crayfish - Pacifastacus leniusculus

Signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) is introduced to Sweden from North America. Signal crayfish carry crayfish plague is fatal for crayfish, which in many places exterminated this. The signal crayfish is currently the most common cancer in southern Sweden. Discontinuation of crayfish requires the permission of the County Administrative Board.

Most efficient fishing methods

Information below is based upon thousands of real catch reports from the past two years.(Ogiltigt org-id!)
  1. Tip-up - Dead fish
  1. Fyke net - Bread
  2. Ice fishing - maggot
  1. Fyke net - Dead fish
  2. -
  3. Dip net - Dead fish
  4. Fyke net - Manmade / Powerbait / Gulp
  5. Fyke net - Bread
  6. Spinning - maggot
  7. Fyke net - Maize
  8. Deadbaiting - Dead fish
  9. Fyke net - Heart / Liver
  10. Tip-up - Dead fish
  1. Fyke net - Dead fish
  2. Fyke net - Manmade / Powerbait / Gulp
  3. -
  4. Dip net - Dead fish
  5. Fyke net - Fly - Gold Head
  6. Dip net - Bread
  7. Angling - Shrimp
  8. Dip net - Manmade / Powerbait / Gulp

Signal crayfish, Avg. Weight (gr)

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