Lofsdalen-Glöte FVO is an area of about 50,000 hectares where mountain streams, ponds and lakes are usually completely undisturbed in scenic areas. The area offers a varied range of fishing opportunities. Lofssjön has its coarse trout, Dyckessjön and Stråsjön are fine charr waters. Glötessjön has trout and fine perch and is an easily accessible lake. The area has many fine waters for both summer and winter fishing!
The largest fish caught on a rod within Lofsdalen-Glöte FVO is a trout of about 9.8 kg, but there are certainly larger ones!
Fishing in the area's wilderness rivers is also an experience. Lofsen, Sömlingsån, Glötån and Stråån are all exciting watercourses where it is possible to lure both trout and grayling.
Welcome to Lofsdalen-Glöte Fisheries Conservation Area!
The association works for long-term and sustainable fishing through various fisheries conservation initiatives such as reduction of roaches, release of rice vases, support release of fish, etc.
More information is available on the association's website http://www.fiskailofsdalenglote.se
Organization number: 893201-4213
Customer number: 812, Area: 883.Erik Brohage
0703 - 15 1069