Welcome to fishing and nature experiences in and around Nättrabyån. The river contains many species worthy of protection, including trout, whitefish, neon eyes, crayfish, and freshwater pearl mussels. In the water system, there are also fish-dependent birds such as great loons, fish lice, herons and nesting kingfishers, ospreys and vultures. The fishing is divided into 5 pools with different fishing methods and fishing gear. There is both rushing and calm flowing water. The fishing is focused on sea trout, pike, id, perch but there are more fish species.
Nättrabyån's fisheries conservation area association shall work to develop fishing and biotope conservation in Nättrabyån by being responsive and long-term. The association was formed in 1984 with the aim of coordinating fisheries management and fishing in Nättrabyån.
Organization number: 802600-3932
Customer number: 3160, Area: 3197.Roberth Zackrisson
Dragsö Sportfishing (Karlskronas Skärgård)