Ödevaten is located seven km east of Emmaboda in Kalmar County. Elevation 135 m. The area is 137 ha. The fate is a shallow and rocky lake, the maximum depth is 6.5 m while the average depth is 2.5 m. The lake is nutrient-poor and is surrounded by woodland. The beaches are rocky and the vegetation is sparse, with pore, sap, starfish and water lilies.
Children up to the age of 18 fish free according to the association's rules.
In the Ödevaten the following fish species are found: perch, pike, bream, lake, caterpillar, roach, sauté and ruda.
Boat rental Ödevata Fishing Camp:
Ödevatens FVO was founded in 1964 by the fishing water owners in the continuous lakes Ödevaten and Norrsjön.
Organization number: 832401-3666
Customer number: 572, Area: 532.Magnus Hansson
0707 - 50 32 18
Västersjön, Lyckebyån m fl vatten
Sillhövdingens FVOF Sillhövdingen och Bredasjön