Davidstorpasjöns FVO

Fishing permit Davidstorpasjöns FVO 

 Unfortunately, iFiske does not sell the fishing permits for this fishing area yet and we need to refer you to the local providers of the fishing licenses, as listed below. Would you like to help us? Please contact Davidstorpasjöns FVO and tell them it would be a great idea if they also offered their products through iFiske.


Daily pass SEK 50
Day pass pike fishing during April SEK 100
Weekly pass SEK 150 (with accompanying motor SEK 200)
Season ticket SEK 450
Fishing from the beach and fishing on ice is free.
Angel and ismete SEK 15/don.
Fishing ban 1/8-15/8.
Börje Wågensjö, Sjöaveka 1, 571 66 Bodafors, 0702-820943, Wagensjo@hotmail.com
Lennart Karlsson, Sjöaveka 5, 571 66 Bodafors, 0708-379689
Mats Gustafsson, Davidstorp 2, 571 69 Malmbäck, 0761-695754
Kennet Andersson, Davidstorp 1, 571 69 Malmbäck, 0708-771699

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