Granboforsens FVOF

Fishing permit Granboforsens FVOF 

You can buy a fishing permit to Granboforsens FVOF at iFiske! All produkter (fishing permit) we sell are digital and a receipt is provided to you by eMail, to our app and as a SMS text message (option) . Sold by Granboforsens FVOF (06892000-1636).
Day permit
Price: 100 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
3-day card
Price: 200 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
Weekly card 7 days
Price: 300 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
Annual pass 365 days
Price: 600 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
Additional card spouse/partner

Applies in addition to annual passes

Price: 150 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)

For children and adolescents ...

Granboforsens FVOF offers free fishing for young anglers. Please read and following the general fishing rules that apply for the area. Rules specifically for children and adolescents:
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 17.
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