Järvsö FVOF

Fishing permit Järvsö FVOF 

You can buy a fishing permit to Järvsö FVOF at iFiske! All produkter (fishing permit) we sell are digital and a receipt is provided to you by eMail, to our app and as a SMS text message (option) . Sold by Järvsö FVOF (887000-3624).

special cards

The P&T card

Day pass valid in Gräningen, Kramstatjärn and Simessjön

 Catch limit of Trout, Trout, Rainbow to a total of 3 fish per card

Price: 140 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
The Ljussjö card

Day pass for the natural lake Ljussjön, with grayling, trout and perch
 Catch window for grayling 30-40 cm. Catch limit max. 2 Grayling + 1 Trout per card. These rules go into effect 1/1-23

Price: 160 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
Belly Short

Add-on card to the P&T card and the Ljussjö card

 Required when fishing from floating rings in Gräningen, Ljussjön and Simessjön

Price: 50 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)

Natural water

Day permit

Applies to all waters in Järvsö FVO, except Gräningen, Kramstatjärn, Ljussjön and Simessjön
 Catch limit of Trout and Grayling to a total of 3/Card/Day

Price: 60 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
Year card

Applies to all waters in Järvsö FVO, except Gräningen, Kramstatjärn, Ljussjön and Simessjön
 Catch limit of Trout and Grayling to a total of 3 per calendar day

Price: 350 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)
Network card

Add-on card to annual card
 Is only valid if you are a fishing right owner, permanent resident or own a holiday home in Järvsö parish

Price: 100 kr (SEK, Incl. VAT)

For children and adolescents ...

Järvsö FVOF offers free fishing for young anglers. Please read and following the general fishing rules that apply for the area. Rules specifically for children and adolescents:
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 16.
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