Svansjöarnas FVO (Västmanland)

Fishing permit Svansjöarnas FVO (Västmanland) 

  • Fishing licenses are personal and may not be transferred. Identification must be carried and presented upon request.
You can buy a fishing permit to Svansjöarnas FVO (Västmanland) at iFiske! All produkter (fishing permit) we sell are digital and a receipt is provided to you by eMail, to our app and as a SMS text message (option) . Sold by Svansjöarnas FVO (Västmanland) (802600-6828).
Day permit
Price: 100 kr (SEK, Incl 25% VAT)
Year card
Price: 400 kr (SEK, Incl 25% VAT)
Family card Year

Rules around "Family cards"

  • Family cards are valid for a maximum of two adults with their own children. A child is considered even a person over the age of 15. Family cards only apply to family members who live at home and for accommodation at the same residential address. A family consists of cohabiting married or cohabiting couples or cohabiting persons who have registered their relationship and of their children, of either parent together with their children. Family also includes married and cohabiting couples without children, as well as people who have registered their relationship and who do not have children.

Price: 500 kr (SEK, Incl 25% VAT)

For children and adolescents ...

Svansjöarnas FVO (Västmanland) offers free fishing for young anglers. Please read and following the general fishing rules that apply for the area. Rules specifically for children and adolescents:
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.
 Endast i sällskap med målsman/vuxen
 Endast mete
 Only from land
 May be fed from land without a fishing license.
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