
Bruksvallarnas KFO

Fishing permit Bruksvallarnas KFO 

You can buy a fishing permit to Bruksvallarnas KFO at iFiske! All produkter (fishing permit) we sell are digital and a receipt is provided to you by eMail, to our app and as a SMS text message (option) . Sold by Bruksvallarnas KFO (893201-1185). Go directly to: Dygnskort Messmörtjärn och Storbäcktjärn, Fiskekort, Tilläggskort, Kvoterade vatten and Båtuthyrning

24-hour cards Messmörtjärn and Storbäcktjärn

Day pass Messmörtjärn and Storbäcktjärn

Two ponds within a short distance of the road. Messmörtjärn is a Put-and-Take water and has plenty of fish and the easiest road access. Messmörtjärn and Storbäcktjärn are only fished with this 24-hour card.

  • Uptake of a maximum of 3 fish per day
  • Camping with a motorhome or caravan at Sätervägen and Messmörtjärn is not permitted.
  • Fishing ban in flowing water from 15th September to 15th October.

Information about fishing bids in individual waters during the autumn is published here on iFiske.

Price: 130 kr (SEK, Incl 25% VAT)

Fishing license

Day card (not Messmörtjärn and Storbäcktjärn)

Day pass for all waters except: Messmörtjärn, Storbäcktjärn, Ljusnan's quota section and Mittån's quota section.
Information about fishing bids in individual waters between 1 September and 31 October is published here on iFiske. Fishing ban in flowing water from September 15 to October 15.

Please note that the fishing license is valid for Ljusnan from WALLES MOTOCROSS BANA AND NEDSTRÖMS . From the Motocross track to Jo-Ers Bygget there is a quota fly fishing stretch. This stretch includes fishing directly adjacent to Ramundberget. Please look at the maps on iFiske to see where fishing is allowed on Ljusnan.
 Excluding Messmörtjärn, Storbäcktjärn, Ljusnan's quota section and Mittån's quota section (including the water adjacent to Ramundberget).

Price: 130 kr (SEK, Incl 25% VAT)
3-day card

3-Day pass for all waters except Messmörtjärn, Storbäcktjärn, Ljusnan's quota strength and Mittån's quota stretch. Information about fishing bids in individual waters between 1 September and 31 October is published here on iFiske. Fishing ban in flowing water from September 15th to October 15th.
 Excluding Messmörtjärn, Storbäcktjärn, Ljusnan's quota section and Mittån's quota section.

Price: 260 kr (SEK, Incl 25% VAT)
Week card

Weekly pass for all waters except Messmörtjärn, Storbäcktjärn, Ljusnan's quotated stretch and Mittån's quotated stretch. Information about fishing bids in individual waters between 1 September and 31 October is published here on iFiske. Fishing ban in flowing water in the month of September.
 Excluding Messmörtjärn, Storbäcktjärn, Ljusnan's quota section and Mittån's quota section.

Price: 455 kr (SEK, Incl 25% VAT)
Year card

365 days.
Permanent residents of Bruksvallarna are referred to Zenita to buy an annual pass: 0705430031.

Registered members of Bruksvallarna have distinctive fishing rules.

Information about fishing bids in individual waters between 1 September and 31 October is published here on iFiske. Fishing ban in flowing water in the month of September.
 Note: The annual card does not apply to Messmörstjärn, Storbäcktjärn, Ljusnan's quoted route and Mittån's quoted route. Only day passes are valid there.

Price: 700 kr (SEK, Incl 25% VAT)

Additional cards

Additional card Sambo

Only valid together with cohabitants' regular annual pass.

Information about fishing bids in individual waters between 1 September and 31 October is published here on iFiske. Fishing ban in flowing water in the month of September.

Price: 150 kr (SEK, Incl 25% VAT)

Quoted water

Day pass - Ljusnan's quota fly fishing route

 Fly fishing only, see rules and map.

Price: 200 kr (SEK, Incl 25% VAT)
Day pass - Mittån's quota fly fishing route '

 Fly fishing only. See rules.

Price: 200 kr (SEK, Incl 25% VAT)

Boat rentals

Boat hire in Måns-Erstjärn

 *NOTE* Fishing ban in Måns-Erstjärn from 10 October to 31 December.

Price: 200 kr (SEK, Incl 25% VAT)

For children and adolescents ...

Bruksvallarnas KFO offers free fishing for children and young people if they retreive a free fishing permit especially aimed at this age group.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 14.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)

Boat engine information

 General prohibition on the use of boat engines.
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