Södra Hörken-Stora Avlångens FVF

  • Södra Hörken
  • Södra Hörken
  • Södra Hörken
  • Södra Hörken

Södra Hörken, Stora Avlången m fl vatten

  Dalarnas län and Örebro län / Ljusnarsberg and Ludvika municipality.

Welcome to Södra Hörken, Siksjön, Stora Avlången, Lilla och Stora Basttjärn, Hörktjärnen and Bladtjärnen.

Södra Hörken with associated Siksjön and some smaller ponds are located just south of Grängesberg on the border between Örebro County and Dalarna County. The lakes are typical rock lakes and are part of the Arbogaån water system. The northern and western parts of Södra Hörken are densely populated, but other parts of the lake are designated by wilderness. The area is about 860 ha and is located 258 masl. Maximum depth is 43 m.

Stora Avlången is located south of Hällsjön on the border between Örebro County and Dalarna County. The lake is a lake that is tightly regulated for hydropower and is part of the Kolbäcksån water system. There are no buildings around the lake. The area is about 300 ha and is located 280 masl. Maximum depth is 28 m.

Boat ramps are available in both Södra Hörken and Stora Avlången, see map for further information.

Nautical charts are for sale if desired, see contact information for further information.

 This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Södra Hörken-Stora Avlångens FVF.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.
 Only hand held equipment

Fish species











Södra Hörken-Stora Avlångens FVF

Södra Hörken - Stora Avlången's fisheries conservation association is a non-profit association that provides fishing within Södra Hörken's fisheries conservation area association and Stora Avlången's fisheries conservation area association.

In 1931, Södra Hörken's fisheries conservation association was founded by a group of fishing rights owners. The original purpose was to nurture and strengthen the household fishing needs. Since its inception, the association has provided fishing to fishing right holders and the general public on the same terms.

In 1987, fishing in Lake Stora Avlången was added through a merger with Norra Ljusnarsberg's fisheries conservation association.

Organization number: 883800-6297

Customer number: 3104, Area: 3119.

Contact persons

Hasse Nilsson
070-743 50 32


Fishing areas nearby Södra Hörken-Stora Avlångens FVF

Haggen, Saxen, Snösjön m fl sjöar
Övre Hillen, Nedre Hillen, Gårlången, Ljussjön m fl sjöar

Affiliated fishing areas in Dalarnas län

Affiliated fishing areas in Örebro län
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