Sorrödssjöarnas FVOF

  • Summer on the lake
  • V. the lake
  • Summer evening

Sorrödssjöarnas FVOF Sorrödssjöarna

  Skåne län / Klippan municipality.

The Sorröds lakes are part of the catchment area of Ybbarpsån, which flows into Rönne Å. The lakes are quite shallow and there is sometimes a lot of vegetation.
The lakes are mainly known for their good pike fishing, but there are also perch, roach, bream and tench. Around Östra sjön there is partly pasture and partly forest. Around Västra sjön there is mainly forest but also a cottage area along road 108. Please respect the private plots.
ATTENTION! Due to elevated levels of Pfos in the water, the fish in the lakes should not be eaten!

 A catch-and-release policy is applied within this fishing area.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.

Fish species









Sorrödssjöarnas FVOF

Logo Sorrödssjöarnas FVOF

We are a small association that was formed in 1994. The association's purpose is to coordinate the operation of fishing and fisheries management, as well as to promote common interests.

Organization number: 802426-9659

Customer number: 3542, Area: 3610.

Contact persons

Thorild Sandström

0705 - 79 01 82


Fishing areas nearby Sorrödssjöarnas FVOF

Rönne å (Ljungbyhed)
Klippans SFF Medlemskap
Rönne å och Bäljane å (Klippan)
Hjälmsjön Pinnån

Affiliated fishing areas in Skåne län
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