
Stenbithöjdens fiskevatten

 se Västerbottens län / Åsele and Dorotea municipality.

Welcome to Stenbithöjden's fishing management area.
Stenbithöjden, located on the border between Åsele and Dorotea municipalities, offers the visitor an original wilderness feeling, with forests close to the mountains and about twenty small lakes, ponds and streams. Parts of the area are a nature reserve with a low mountain character, which can boast Åsele's highest mountain, 668 m above sea level. The view from the top is breathtaking. Golden eagles nest in the area so it can be an experience to see them.
The fishing
Many of the ponds in the area harbor self-producing stocks of trout, but there are also perch, roach and sparingly pike here. Another tip is Stenbitsjörna in the higher parts of the reserve. Next to some of the lakes in the area there are cabins for rent, including Tjusjöstugan and Oxtjärnstugan. Rental takes place from Lapland Pro Natur in western Gafsele.

 The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.
 Endast i sällskap med målsman/vuxen
 Only one implement per child

Fish species

Brown Trout




Stenbithöjdens fiskevatten

Logo Stenbithöjdens fiskevatten

Organization number: 556560-9475

Customer number: 1066, Area: 976.

Contact persons

Lappland Pro Natur AB

Telefon: 0738 - 22 94 82 (engelska) & 0703 - 95 67 92 (svenska)


Fishing areas nearby Stenbithöjdens fiskevatten

Hällbymagasinet, Stenbittjärn, Abborrtjärn m fl vatten

Varpsjö FVO

Betarsjöns FVOF

Bölens FVOF, Stortjärn, Hamptjärn

Sallsjöån, Gåstjärn, Per-Salomonstjärn m fl sjöar

Affiliated fishing areas in Västerbottens län
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