Svarten m.fl sjöars FVO


Svarten, Boksjön, Stora Mellsjön m.fl

  Hallands län / Varberg and Falkenberg municipality.

The fisheries management area consists of nine lakes and is located approx. 7 kilometers west of Ullared on road 153. The fisheries management area has lakes in both Varberg and Falkenberg municipalities.

The black one, which is the largest, has a very varied bottom, deep holes of just over 30 meters, a larger island and several smaller, shallow bays and many shallows. Sonar map is loaned free of charge. Other lakes are Boksjön, Stora Mellsjön, Kalvsjön, Lilla and Stora Torvsjön, Haksjön, Kroksjön and Kalven. The lakes are mainly surrounded by forest. The abundance of fish is good and Svarten is known for very large perch and fine pike. Other fish species are roach, eel and sparingly with trout.

Rents out boats (SEK 100/day) and free loan of life jackets. Contact Göran for further information.

 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 14.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)
 Special family cards exist, and are required, which include child / youth fishing

Fish species










Svarten m.fl sjöars FVO

In the event of any surplus in the association, we return it to improved fishing opportunities and fisheries management.

Organization number: 802426-8925

Customer number: 1051, Area: 1016.

Contact persons

Göran Johansson
0705 - 22 34 48


Fishing areas nearby Svarten m.fl sjöars FVO

Yasjön, Äntasjön och Stora Asjön
Stora Neden, Furesjön, Gällarpesjön samt Gällsjön
Ullareds SFK
Skärsjön, Byasjön, Ottersjön, Älvasjön mfl

Affiliated fishing areas in Hallands län
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