
Undersviks FVF

 se Gävleborgs län / Bollnäs municipality.

Visit our popular pit & roofwater Abborrtjärn-Åltjärn-Bergtjärn !
Roadway forward, wind protection, fireplaces, continuous release of trout and rainbow.

Simeån with ample supply of trout and two fish stairs.

Other water systems with good access to pike and perch. In Bergtjärn there are trout, rainbow, redding. Abborrtjärn-Åltjärn contains trout and rainbow.

 This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Undersviks FVF.
 In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.
 The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)
 Valid only in certain waters or in certain places, see fishing rules / comment
 In Put and Take it is required in the keeper's company.

Fish species

Rainbow trout


Bergtjärn, Abbortjärn, Åltjärn


Dalsjön, Simsjön, Valåssjön, Ljusnan


Dalsjön, Simsjön, Ljusnan, Valåsjön
Brown Trout


Bergtjärn, Simeån, Ljusnan


Finns i Bergtjärn


Finns i Dalsjön, Ljusnan

Undersviks FVF

Logo Undersviks FVF

Undersvik's FVF is located along road 83 about 2.5 miles north of Bollnäs. The area is shared by Ljusnan .

The light forms Lake Orsjön with a maximum depth of 64 m which is part of the association's water, an eldorado for trolling fishing for coarse pike, pikeperch or trout, lovely coves in winter for pimping perch, etc. The association has fine put & take waters on both sides of Ljusnan. On the west side Bergtjärn with char and rainbow, and on the east side Perch - and Åltjärn, with trout and rainbow. Simeån with its abundant population of trout. Stora Dalsjön with plenty of pike and coarse perch, as well as zander. Simsjön and parts of Valåsjön with plenty of pike and perch.

Organization number: 202100-2437*

*Register-keeping authority (e.g. a County Administrative Board)
Customer number: 157, Area: 120.

Contact persons

Thomas Bergqvist 
0706 - 28 06 86

Fredrik Leek
0706 - 37 83 54


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Fishing areas nearby Undersviks FVF

Arbrås FVF Lillsjön, Stugsjön, Ljusnan mm

Ränningen med bifl.Ljusnan


Bollnäsströmmarna Ljusnan, Galvån, Varpen

Dellenbygdens SFK Tovåssjön

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