The fishery conservation area is part of the Arbogaån water system and consists of three contiguous lakes.
Easily accessible from several connection routes. Scenic area that is just as suitable for a canoe trip when the lakes are connected by a beautiful river, as for a wonderful fishing experience.
We are a non-profit association.
Received fishing license revenue is used to restore fish stocks and to care for land and water.
Wants to make fishing available to the public and wishes to have a sense of belonging in the area around fishing.
We are working on increasing the zander stock in the area as this has historically been a stock in the water area.
The association was formed in 1981 on behalf of the county board.
Boat mooring is available at Herrgårdsbadet in Vedevåg. Coordinates: SWEREF 997M N 6598432 E 515540.
Feel free to follow us on Facebook, Vedevåg-Högstaboda FVOF.
Organization number: 802600-2918
Customer number: 611, Area: 571.Elene Einarson
0706 - 05 28 94
Usken, Aspen och Södra Brunnsjön