FVO = Fiskevårdsområde, FVOF = Fiskevårdsområdesförening och FVF=Fiskevårdsförening. Det finns cirka 2 000 fiskevårdsområden i Sverige. Alla har egna regler när det kommer till hur fiske får utföras.
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Hallsbergs SFK

Hallsbergs SFK

The club has 10 rowing boats that we rent out through iFiske. The boats can take a maximum of four people. You must be 18 years old to rent a boat. Hallsberg's Sportfiskeklubb does not sell fishing licenses, but we refer to Tisarens Fvof. Fish species in Tisaren are …

Siljansnäs FVOF

Siljansnäs FVOF

Very nice waters with lots of coarse fish and nice spots. There are also maps of the lakes at Fiskekartan .se …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Brown Trout 
 Char  Common bream  Roach  Ide 
 Burbot  Whitefish  Tench  Signal crayfish 
 Common bleak  Vendace 

Hyllens FVOF

Hyllens FVOF

Lake Hyllen is part of Bräkneån's water system and is located north/west of Tingsryd. It is approximately 5 kilometers long and with an average depth of approximately 1 .8m. The shelf is a so-called source lake and is free from the introduction of pollutants other than airborne ones . …
 Perch  Pike  Common bream  Roach 
 Tench  Signal crayfish  Common bleak 

Viska FVOF

Viska FVOF

Area 1 Viskasjön Pike, Perch, Roach, Whitefish, Trout. The association annually replants trout. There are several shelters and boat ramps available. Barbecue facilities, swimming area. Partially adapted for the disabled. Björksjön, Segersjön and Bredvattnet Pike Perch Mört. Fäbodtjärn, Pike Perch Roach Trout. Area 2 Gideälven Skinnmudselet Pike, perch, roach …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Roach 
 Burbot  Whitefish 

Högstabys FVOF

Högstabys FVOF Överuman Stora Umevattnet

The area consists of the western part of Lake Överuman, which is part of the flow to the Umeälven. The fishing water stretches from Strimasund and up to Rörsundet. The area is accessible all year round and offers fantastic fishing for char and trout. We urge you not to …
 Brown Trout  Char 

Helgum-Gådeåns FVOF

Helgum-Gådeåns FVOF samt Nässjön

Close-to-town fishing for sea trout that includes Gådeån Nässjön and Helgumsån. Fishing in the rivers opens on Saturday, April 13 It's close from town to here, but another thing that's fun about this water is that Helgum and Gådeån's fisheries management area is restoring it to improve the conditions …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Salmon  Roach  Sea trout  Burbot 

Östens FVOF

Östens FVOF Sjön Östen

It is a shallow plain lake. In summer, it is 70-80 cm deep. There are plenty of pike and whitefish. The lake is difficult to fish from land, but also difficult to get out by boat. To have a chance to put in a boat, you either have to …
 Perch  Pike  Common bream  Roach 
 Asp  Ide  Burbot  Crucian carp 
 Common rudd  Tench  Eel  Silver Bream 
 Common bleak  European bullhead  Ruffe 

Båraryds FVOF

 Perch  Pike  Common bream  Roach 

Oksajärvi FVOF


The Oksajärvi Fisheries Management Area manages fishing on 7 km of the classic salmon river Lainio river, between the Pajala/Kiruna municipal border and the island of Väkkäräsaari. The fishing license is valid on the south side of the Lainio river. The area includes the rapid section Taanikurkkio, where the …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Grayling 
 Char  Salmon  Roach  Sea trout 
 Ide  Burbot  Whitefish  Alpine bullhead 
 Common dace 

Storån Övre FVOF

Storån Övre FVOF

Storån's upper fishing management area association covers the stretch in Storån, from where Nolån and Sörån merge and form Storån east of Rävlanda, up to Gisslebäcken's outlet in Storån. That is, the border between the municipalities of Härryda and Marks. The area includes the part that lies in Härryda …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Salmon 
 Roach  Eel 

SFK Ycklaren

SFK Ycklaren Testeboån, Sjön Ycklaren samt Sarvtjärn (P&T)

SFK Ycklaren is originally a competition club with great success in competition fishing over the years, both regionally and nationally with several Swedish Champions. The club's water has been leased since the mid-1970s by Fjärden's FVOF The waters consist of the Testeboån from Sundsbron in central Ockelbo down to the …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Rainbow trout 
 Grayling  Common bream  Burbot  Crucian carp 
 Eel  Vendace 

Emåns FVOF

Emåns FVOF Emån mellan Klövdala och Ryningen

Welcome to the Emån Fisheries Management Area between Klövdala and Ryningen. The whole route is very varied. Larger tributaries that flow into the stretch are Silverån and Gårdvedaån. The stretch is dominated by slow-flowing sections. At Årena, Målilla by, Ämmenäs, Torp and Ryningsnäs there are shorter or longer streams. …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Rainbow trout 
 Brown Trout  Common bream  Salmon  Roach 
 Asp  Brook trout  Chub  Grass carp 
 Sea trout  Ide  Burbot  Carp 
 Whitefish  Crucian carp  Common rudd  Tench 
 Vimba  Eel  Signal crayfish  Silver Bream 
 Common bleak  Vendace  Mountain carp  Catfish 

Sanningslandets FVOF

Sanningslandets FVOF

Välkommen till natursköna område Sanningslandet. Här kan du njuta av stora sjöar med underbara stränder, lugna orörda älvar eller kanske vänliga forsar !Det väntar på dig i våra fiskrika vatten mängd av abborre, gädda, löja. Vill man testa sina färdigheter varför inte fiska harr, örring, lax. Psst, viste ni …
 Perch  Pike  Zander  Brown Trout 
 Grayling  Salmon  Roach  Sea trout 
 Ide  Whitefish  Signal crayfish  Crayfish 
 Common bleak  Vendace 

Ärtingens FVOF

Ärtingens FVOF Ärtingen

Ärtingen is a small lake in northern Dalsland, for the area is relatively shallow, greatest depth around 18m. With good stocks of Perch and Pike . …
 Perch  Pike  Brown Trout  Common bream 
 Roach  Burbot  Whitefish  Common rudd 
 Tench  Eel  Common bleak  Smelt 
 Ruffe  Vendace 

Yasjöns FVOF

Yasjöns FVOF Yasjön

Lake Ya is 32 hectares, the lake is quite shallow so a boat is preferable when fishing here. We release rainbow trout every year. In the lake there are pike, perch and roach naturally. Boats can be rented from Enis Törnsjö Havraryd. The boat site is reached via a …
 Perch  Pike  Rainbow trout  Roach 
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