The subject's FVO has a water area of 619.8 hectares. The lake is connected to the larger lakes Åsunden and Järnlunden via the Schedewi Canal . The fishing area covers most of Ämmern but water area between Schedewi farm and Koons northern part is not included in Ämmerns FVO. Check out limits on the map.
The lake Ämmern consists of an approximately 10 km deep draft in the northwest-southeastern direction. The largest measured depth is about 20 meters, but the lake has a mean depth of 4 to 10 meters.
At the southeastern part of Ämmer lies Söderö bathing place. Here is also one boat rides and P-places.
P-location is also located at the SV-corner of the lake (road 134) in connection with the Kinda municipality's information board.
At the middle of the lake there are P-places on the reserve parks at Hamra ekhagar (the south side of the lake) and at the Räckeskog Nature Reserve (the north side of the lake).
Lake Ämmern is famous for fine goose, pike and perch fishing.
The FVO's FVO was established in 1987. The Fisheries Area Association manages the fisheries conservation area with the goal of promoting long-term fishing in the long term. Members of the association are property owners, who, according to the completed fisheries investigation, own water with fishing rights within the Ämmer fishing area. Some 60 properties are included in the fishery area.
Organization number: 802600-6067
Customer number: 696, Area: 656.Christer Segerstéen
Hamra gård
0706 - 37 98 20
Örjan Runervik
0704 - 20 01 32