The once-in-a-lifetime star
The association conducts put-and-take fishing for the public in Ängomstjärn, an activity that has been greatly appreciated by people of all ages. The pond is also rented out to companies, associations and families if desired.
Ängomstjärn has jetties around the entire facility that make it easy to move even for the disabled. There is also an accessible toilet.
The club was formed in 1972 and is a club with many opportunities.
Clubhouse in the basement of Matfors Fritidsgård, put-and-take fishing in Ängomstjärnen. In Laxås Fritidssområde there is a clubhouse, leased fishing waters, and two cabins for loan to members.
Our ambition is to also get young people and families to join the club and to come out and fish with a common interest.
Organization number: 889201-5812
Customer number: 3067, Area: 3072.Börje Duvenberg
070 - 204 99 93
Lunde FVO Masjön, Jonsbodtjärn, Mellantjärn, Djupdalstjärn
Stor-Hällsjön, Lill-Hällsjön, Mörttjärn