Ånimmen is an elongated (12 km) sprickdalssjö with clear water, near Vänern .
There are ample opportunities for fishing, swimming, kayaking, and sailing. In winter, the icebergs invite you to pimp fishing and ice skating rides. Around the lake there are several protected natural areas with hiking trails and botanical sights.
The lake's largest depth is 33 meters and is connected to Dalsland's canal through Snäcke sluss. The spirit has a varied fish stock. Perch, pike, eel, lake, braxen and roach are some of the naturally occurring fish. Salmon, trout and charcoal salmon are taken regularly.
Settlement ramp is located at Lunneviken about 4 km south of Ånimskog church, the site is marked out on map.
Ånimmen's fishing conservation area association conducts active work with local fisheries conservation and to improve the service and accessibility for you who visit our lake.
We offer different types of fishing licenses for sport fishing all year round. We also have our own website that you can visit: www.animmen.net
Organization number: 802426-8198
Customer number: 327, Area: 289.Ingvar Bäckström
0532 - 252 09
0708 - 79 12 21
Åklångs FVO Åklången, Lillesjö, Glycksjön, Glycksö-ände