Åre Fiske Samfällighetsförening


Åresjön-Åreälven mfl

  Jämtlands län / Åre municipality.

                                                            NEW INFORMATION


We have received information that the presence of Canada trout is increasing in some of our waters, especially Lake Gev. It should not occur, but we ask everyone who catches Canada trout to kill it immediately and submit a catch report. Thanks in advance.


Gevsjöströmmen is not covered by the association's regular fishing license. The boatramp, at Gevsjöstugan, is closed for the time being and parking is not allowed at the cottage unless you have rented it. 

Åtjärn will now also be excluded from the fishing waters for which the fishing license applies. The reason for this is the high pressure that is now burdening the area after the population of the unique "Strupsnittsöring" became knowned.

Therefore, Åre Fisksamfällighetsförening is testing new rules for Åtjärn in 2022. The water will be excluded from the areas covered by our fishing license and the following applies to fishing there.


  • Fishing in Åtjärn is only allowed during the period 1 July-31 August.
  • The number of fish is limited to 2 per fisherman per day. (min 30 cm)
  • The number of fishing licenses sold for Åtjärn is limited to 5 per day.
  • Price for fishing license for Åtjärn is SEK 500 / day. And can be bought 30 days ahead at iFiske.
  • In other respects, the association's fishing rules apply.


With close proximity to Åre City there are several good fishing opportunities, both summer and winter. There is easy and accessible shipping just a few hundred meters from Åre square. In Tegefors between Åre and Duved, there is the possibility of fishing in flowing water. Perfect to bring children.

• Fishing is allowed only June 1st - August 31st. Other time fishing ban.

• During the period September 1 - April 30, total fishing bans are in the association's other flowing waters. By flowing water in Åreälven, the distance from the western fishing boundary (above Tegeforsen) is meant to a point 200 m east of Åreälven's outlet in Åresjön.

• In other waters, fishing prohibits 1 - 30 September. The exception Åresjön, where fishing is allowed all year.

All waters in the area: Åresjön-Åreälven, Tegeforsen, Östra Gevsjön, Northwest Kösjön, Ullådalen and Renfjället.



 In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 16.
 Det finns gratis fiskekort, som måste lösas, för barn- och ungdomar
 Children and young people can fish for free up to 16 years with a fishing license for youth.

Fish species

Brown Trout






Lake (Canada) trout


Skall avlivas direkt och rapporteras in tack.

Åre Fiske Samfällighetsförening

Åre Fiske Samfällighetsförening (ÅFSF) manages the following fishing areas: Åresjön-Åreälven, Tegeforsen, Östra Gevsjön, Northwest Kösjön, Gevsjöströmmen, Ullådalen and Renfjället. We also offer boat rentals with life jackets and if you want, outboard engines. Contact Fjällsport i Duved 0647-261 00 for bokats in Åresjön, Tegeforsen and Gevsjön.

Regarding Gevsjöströmmen and Åtjärn, they are not covered by the association's regular fishinglicense.

When it comes to first-class accommodation, we have a brand new fishing cottage with 2 apartments (4 people / apartment) located 10 meters from Gevsjön along the E14. Search for "Gevsjöstugan" on Google map and you will find it. Bookings are made at: http://gevsjon.se/gevsj-stugan

Organization number: 716461-9764

Customer number: 1055, Area: 1019.

Contact persons

Kontakt sker via vår facebooksida:


Fishing areas nearby Åre Fiske Samfällighetsförening

Henån Hensjön
Kallsjön (Huså-Smedjeviken)
Brattlandsströmmen Åresjön

Affiliated fishing areas in Jämtlands län
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