A common fishing license for the following fisheries conservation areas in Bengtsfors municipality:
Askesjö FVO, Ärtingens FVO, Granns FVO , Ivägs FVO , Limmens FVO , Västra Solsjöns FVO, Östra Solsjöns FVO, Svärdlångs FVO , Stenebyälvens FVO, Kesnacksälvens FVO, Fillingsjöns FVO , Bengtsbrohjöns Marsvjöns FVO .
Bengtsfors is a lake-rich municipality with 399 lakes on more than one hectare, which provides a total of 13,400 hectares of water - an area that covers as much as 13 percent of the municipality's total area. All fishing rights within the municipality's water areas are individual. Fishing in these waters may only be carried out by those who hold fishing rights. Fishing for the public may therefore take place only in the waters for which fishing licenses are sold.
Bengtsfors Kommunfiskekort gives you access to all these 14 fine fisheries conservation areas.
14 fisheries conservation areas in Bengtsfors municipality that formed the association and the product Bengtsfors Kommunfiskekort.
Organization number: 212000-1470
Customer number: 1112, Area: 1073.Bengtsfors Turistbyrå:
+46 531 52 63 55
Lysetjärn, Stortjärn och Hagtjärn