In order to improve the fish's living conditions and rejuvenation opportunities in Björkån in the long term, a project has been underway since 2007 in collaboration with the County Administrative Board, Sollefteå Municipality and the fisheries conservation area. The aim is to recreate as far as possible Björkån as it looked before the heavy raft clearances that were carried out in the 50s and 60s. Obstacles to migration have been removed so that the fish can now walk and spawn in a natural way. Stone excavated on the beaches has been laid back in the river. Old natural side furrows have been opened. After the restoration, the river has become shallower and wider. Trees and rocks in the river make sport fishing difficult to some extent, but in return we get a river that holds more and bigger fish. In order to get the results of these measures, it is important that you fishermen respect our rules.
Good grayling and trout fishing in Björkån. Other waters are dominated by perch and pike.
Organization number: 717904-2929
Customer number: 958, Area: 913.Johan Hedberg
0706 - 51 50 71
Holmen vatten i Örnsköldsviks kommun
Åvattnet, Bågasjön, Skalmsjösjön och Södra Anundsjöån.
Lillsjön, Myckelgensjösjön, Torrvattnet, Hällvattnet mfl
Sjöfisket samt Ångermanälven i och nedströms Sollefteå