For those who are looking for large trout with their own reproduction, Rogsjön is a good alternative. With, among other things, Lurån as a nursery for the fish.
For those who are crazy for the put-and-take, Attjärn and Såtjärn are with rainbow and trout. There are also a lot of watercourses with pike and perch. Why not take a fishing trip?
Bjursås-Leksands Fishing Area Association consists of around 7,000 fishing right owners and covers around 80 water bodies.
Bjursås-Leksands Fishing Area Association consists of around 7,000 fishing right owners and covers around 80 water bodies. There are two put-and-take lakes; Attjärn and Såtjärn and a fly fishing lake called Hovtjärn . The area stretches from Siljan (Leksand), Rogsjön (Bjursås) to Marnäs. Lungsjöån, which lies between Finnbo - Vasasten (Marnäs), is leased and operated privately for fly fishing.
Our waterways are numerous and offer great variety. Here you can fish everything from pike, perch, lake, trout, whitefish to whitefish.
Organization number: 883202-0849
Customer number: 143, Area: 108.Eric Nyblom Pettersson
0730 - 30 49 60
Tansen, Grycken, Varpan, Tisken mfl
Stora Aspan, Lilla Aspan, Spjutsjön m fl vatten
Övre Valsan, Mellan Valsan, Nedre Valsan mfl
Dalälven, Båtstasjön, Bysjön mfl