Grannäs Risnäs SFF Nedre Giertsbäcken


Grannäs Risnäs Nedre Giertsbäcken

  Västerbottens län / Sorsele municipality.

We offer a variety of fishing in lakes and flowing water.
Giertsbäcken has good stocks of trout and grayling.
Fly fishing there is usually best in early summer, when the spring tide has subsided. Lakes Lairoträsket and Souinejaurats contain trout and char and can offer good fishing, so why not try floating rings.
In recent years, Storvindeln has had an increasingly better stock of large-grown trout. There is also a chance to catch really big pike here.
The area is located approx. 25 km northwest of Sorsele and is most easily reached by road 363 in the direction of Ammarnäs.
Vindelälven, Giertsbäcken, Lairoträsket, Souinejaurats

 The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.

Grannäs Risnäs SFF Nedre Giertsbäcken

Organization number: 716465-1809

Customer number: 3363, Area: 3423.

Contact persons

Niklas +46 73 717 39 48

Lotten +46 70 725 12 22



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