We offer a variety of fishing in lakes and flowing waters.
Giertsbäcken has good stocks of trout and grayling.
Fly fishing there is usually best in early summer, when the spring flood has subsided.
Lakes Lairoträsket and Souinejaurats contain trout and char and can offer good fishing, so why not try float fishing.
In recent years, the Storvindeln has had an increasingly good population of large trout. There is also a chance of catching really big pike here.
The area is located approximately 25 km northwest of Sorsele and is most easily reached by road 363 in the direction of Ammarnäs.
Vindelälven, Giertsbäcken, Lairoträsket, Souinejaurats
Organization number: 716465-1809
Customer number: 3363, Area: 3423.Niklas +46 73 717 39 48
Lotten +46 70 725 12 22