Grundsjöhyttans FVOF


Grundsjön, Stensjön, Stora Ovantjärnen m fl

 se Värmlands län / Filipstad municipality.

Within the area there are three larger lakes and about fifteen fishable ponds, as well as a few streams in between.
A large proportion of wilderness, but with a good road network and some barbecue places, boat mooring places and a well-kept bathing place.

Largest lake and a nice trolling lake at 47 meters deep with stone and deep bottom.
Much coarser pike and every year a number of pike are caught around 8-12kg.
Can be put in a boat.

Nice perch lake, but also plenty of pike and roach.
6 meters deep with sand and deep bottom.
Nice swimming area with sandy beach, changing room and barbecue area.
Can be put in a boat.
Accessibility adapted and possibility for fishing for the disabled next to the bathing area.

Perch, pike, roach with stone and deep bottom.
Barbecue area with wind protection and accommodation.
Can be put in a boat.

Stora Ovantjärnen
Along the way for fishermen with difficulty moving.
Perch, pike, roach with stone and deep bottom.

 This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Grundsjöhyttans FVOF.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 17.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)

Fish species







Grundsjöhyttans FVOF

We are a fisheries conservation area within Grundsjöhyttan's home, Filipstad municipality.

Within the area, there is also a Filipstad Municipal Fishing License .
The municipal fishing license is a collaboration between the fisheries management area associations Alstern-Lungens FVOF, Grundsjöhyttans FVOF, Horssjön-Långbans FVOF, Rämens FVOF , Yngens FVOF , Aspen-Daglösens FVOF, Gåsborns FVOF, Nordmarksälvens FVOF and Skåltjärnshyttans FVOF.

Organization number: 202100-2395*

*Register-keeping authority (e.g. a County Administrative Board)
Customer number: 758, Area: 718.

Contact persons

Gunnar Johansson
0705 - 79 45 45

Markus Svensson
0706 - 33 53 39


Fishing areas nearby Grundsjöhyttans FVOF

Nordmarksälven, Lersjön m fl vatten

Horrsjön-Långbans FVOF

Filipstad turistfiskekort

Näsrämmen, Bosjön m fl vatten

Gåsborns hyttelags fvof

Affiliated fishing areas in Värmlands län
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