Värmlands län

  • Nordmarksälvens FVOF
  • Skogstjärnens FVOF
  • Magerns FVOF
  • Dammtjärnet (P&T)
  • Södra Lelångs FVO
  • Älgsjöns FVOF (Arvika kommun)
  • Nyckelvattnets FVOF
  • Västra Långseruds FVOF
  • Vistens FVOF
  • rastplats rinnen
  • Vrångsälvens FVOF
  • Stor-Älgsjö
  • Dalby FVOF
  • Nedre Norsälvens FVOF
  • Blomskogs FVOF
  • Torp-Forshaga FVOF
  • Håns Byalag
  • Mangens södra del
  • Badplatsen Södra Viken
  • Grängens fvof
  • Norra Yxesjön
  • Lundsbergs Fvof
  • Ängens FVO
  • Rannsjöns FVOF


Värmland is located in the western parts of Svealand and borders in the south to Västergötland / Dalsland, in the west to Eastern Norway (Norway) and in the east to Dalarna, Västmanland and Närke.

Värmland is a very beautiful landscape that offers a very varied biotope. There are many deep forests, lakes and rivers, but first and foremost, nature is very varied. Here you can find everything from archipelagos, extensive forests, infinite lakes, mountain peaks, marshes and meadows. The large variation is due to changes in bedrock and soil, climate, humidity and lighting conditions prepared with human activity. Nature also offers a great variety of art.

Värmland is usually called the land of the Elk and the Wolfs. The most famous waters are Vänern and Klarälven, while other popular fishing waters include Fryken and Visten. In the giant Klarälvs system there is one of Sweden's most large and unique salmon stirring tribes.

Affiliated fishing areas in Värmlands län

  Acksjöns FVOF
  Alkvetterns Fiskeförening
  Alstern-Lungens fvof
  Alsterns FVOF
  Aplungens FVOF
  Arvika FVK
  Aspens FVOF
  Bada FVO
The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.

  Björklångens FVOF
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Blomskogs FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Blomskogs FVOF.

  Blysjön mfl sjöars FVOF
  Bogens FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Bogens FVOF.
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Borssjöns FVOF
  Bortan-Häljeboda FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Bortan-Häljeboda FVOF.

  Bysjöns FVOF
  Christinehamns Fiskevårdsförening
The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.

  Dalby FVOF
  Dejeforsens FVOF
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Eda Fiskevårdskrets
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Eda Fiskevårdskrets.
The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.

  Emsen-Lillsjöns FVOF
  Filipstads Kommun
  Fiske i Gräsmark
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Fjällsjön-Öjenässjöns FVOF
  Flagornas FVOF
  Forshaga fiskevårdskrets
  Forshagaforsens FVOF
The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.

  Foxens FVOF
  Frykens FVOF
  Gaperns FVOF
  Glafsfjordens FVOF
  Grums Fish n´ Camp AB
  Grundsjöhyttans FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Grundsjöhyttans FVOF.

  Gräsmångens FVOF
  Hagfors Fiskevårdskrets
  Harefjordens FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Harefjordens FVOF.
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.
The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.

  Holmedalssjöns FVOF
  Hugns FVOF
  Hyns FVOF
  Hålteby-Rinnens FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Hålteby-Rinnens FVOF.
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.
The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.

  Håns Byalag
The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.

  Järnsjöns FVOF
  Klarälven inom Munkfors kommun
  Klarälven-Löved FVOF
  Klarälven-Ulleruds FVOF
  Klarälvens FVOF Hagfors
  Lakene sportfiske
  Lakenesjöns FVOF
  Lekvattnets FVOF
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Lersjöarnas FVOF
  Lersjöns-Flatsjöns FVO
  Lundsbergs Fvof
  Magerns FVOF
  Malungs FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Malungs FVOF.
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Mangen-Treen FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Mangen-Treen FVOF.

  Mangskogsälvarnas FVOF
  Molkomsjöns FVOF
  Mångens-Böckelsjöns FVOF
The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.

  Nedre Frykens FVO
  Nedre Klarälvens FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Nedre Klarälvens FVOF.
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Nedre Norsälvens FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Nedre Norsälvens FVOF.

  Nordmarksälvens FVOF
  Norra Finnskoga FVOF
  Norra Lelångs FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Norra Lelångs FVOF.

  Norra Ny FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Norra Ny FVOF.
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Norra Värmelns FVOF
  Nyckelvattnets FVOF
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Nykroppa-Storfors FVF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Nykroppa-Storfors FVF.
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Nysockensjöns FVOF
  Nästjärnens FVOF
  Rackens FVOF
  Rannsjöns FVOF
  Rådasjöns FVOF
  Rämens FVOF
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Ränkens FVOF
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Skagerns FVOF
  Skillingmarks FVOF
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Skogstjärnens FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Skogstjärnens FVOF.
The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.

  Sportfiskarna Värmland
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Sportfiskarna Värmland.
The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.

  Stiftelsen Glaskogen
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Stiftelsen Glaskogen.

  Stor-Emsens FVOF
  Stora Börs FVOF
  Stora Gla FVOF
  Stora och Lilla Högs FVOF
  Stora Ullens FVOF
  Storfors flugfiskeklubb
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Storjangen, Älgsjöns FVOF
  Stömne FVOF
  Summelns FVOF
  Svansjöarnas FVO (Värmland)
  Sysslebäcks FVOF
  Säffle Sportfiskeförening
  Södra Lelångs FVO
  Södra Värmelns FVOF
  Torp-Forshaga FVOF
  Töck-Hurrsjöarnas FVOF
  Ullvetterns FVOF
  Vadjungens FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Vadjungens FVOF.

  Vassjöns FVO
  Velens FVOF
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Vilångens FVOF
  Vistens FVOF
  Vrångsälvens FVOF
The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.

  Värmlands Karpförening
The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.

  Västansjö FVOF
  Västra Långseruds FVOF
  Västra Silens Norra & Södra FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Västra Silens Norra & Södra FVOF.

  Västra Örtens FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Västra Örtens FVOF.

  Yngens FVOF
  Yxesjöarnas FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Yxesjöarnas FVOF.
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Älgsjöns FVOF (Arvika kommun)
  Ängens FVO
  Ömmelns FVOF
The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.

  Örsjöarnas FVOF
  Östervallskogs FVOF
  Östra Silens FVOF
  Östra Örtens FVOF
  Övre Fryksdalens FVOF
In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.

  Övre Gla FVOF
This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Övre Gla FVOF.

  Aspen-Daglösens FVOF
  Bredvistens FVOF
  Busjöns fvof
  Grängens fvof
  Gröckens FVOF
  Gåsborns hyttelags fvof
  Harasjöarnas fvof
  Horrsjön-Långbans FVOF
  Knons fvof
  Lidsjön-Grässjöns fvof
  Skåltjärnshyttans fvof
  Skärgens fvof
  Stor-Ens fvof
  Storsjöns FVOF (Värmland)
  Sunnemo fvof
  Syrsjön-Torptjärns fvof
  Sölje FVOF
  Upplund-Emtens FVF
  Uvanå FVOF
  Östra Tönnets fvof
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Catch reports

The most recent catch reports Värmlands län 

Fishing guides in Värmlands län

 Here you will find Guides and Instructors operating in the swedish area of Värmlands län. Many of these guides also work as freelance guides in other parts of the country and the world.
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