
  Värmlands län / Forshaga municipality.
Fishing in Lake Desire and The vein that connects to Klarälven / Dejeforsen. To the south is the border with Torp-Forshaga fvof at the railway bridge over the river Klarälven. See the map. Fishing license is available as Day card and annual pass. Catch limits are in the rules and catch reports are greatly appreciated by iFiske.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.


Sea The desire is owned mainly by Bergvik Skog and is managed by Stora Enso Timber. Fishing permits are sold to the public, and the operation is handled by Forshaga Academy.

Organization number: 202100-2395*

*Register-keeping authority (e.g. a County Administrative Board)
Customer number: 344, Area: 305.

Contact persons

Torbjörn Lundberg
0703 - 16 28 85


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Invasiva arter information

Fishing areas nearby Lusten

Syrsjön-Torptjärns fvof
Klarälven, Dejeforsen
Blysjön med flera sjöar
Klarälven (Ullerud)

Affiliated fishing areas in Värmlands län
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