
Norra Ny FVOF


Norra Ny (Klarälven mfl)

 se Värmlands län / Torsby and Hagfors municipality.

The fishing area is located in Torsby municipality, Värmland. The Klar River that runs through the area offers grayling and trout fishing in the quietly flowing meander race. The rivers that open in the Klarälven, some of them are restored after the float epoch and offer good trout fishing.

We also have some lakes that offer good opportunities for fishing for large pike and perch. Some of the lakes are easily accessible all year round and can therefore offer good winter fishing.

We have three Put and Take waters for rainbow fishing, one of which is adapted for the disabled.

A fishing center exists and is located where E 45 and National Highway 62 meet. The fishing center contains a gear shop, tourist information and an exhibition about the clear river region with nature and culture, also a laboratory is available, outside the building there is a Put and Take water. In direct connection there is a campsite and within walking distance a hotel and another campsite.

 This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Norra Ny FVOF.
 In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.
 Special family cards exist, and are required, which include child / youth fishing
 All fishing except put n take is free for children up to 15 years of age, when fishing in a put n take water, minors fish with a guardian.

Fish species






Norra Ny FVOF

Northern New FVO was formed in 1987 with the purpose of coordinating fishing and fishing in all water connected to the association, over 100.

Organization number: 874000-8092

Customer number: 169, Area: 133.

Contact persons

Joachim Bäckström
0763 - 23 0017


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Del av Klarälven samt flera insjöar och bäckar/åar öster och väster om Klarälven.

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