Östervallskog's FVO is characterized by a beautiful forest landscape with quantities of water of various sizes. The largest lakes, Östen and Strömmersjön, form the last part of the Dalsland Canal, which extends all the way from Lake Vänern. The fishing pressure in the area is very low and you can find your strawberries where you can be alone without any problems. The largest lakes are so-called crack lakes, ie quite narrow and deep lakes with relatively clear nutrient-poor water. Such waters often harbor populations of large-scale pelagic-living predatory fish, and our lakes are no exception. We also have lots of smaller forest lakes where everyone keeps nice populations of pike and perch and some also contain natural trout populations. In addition, you will also find put-and-take in the area, where Hulttjärn is the most popular.
Östervallskogs FVO was established in 1989 with the aim of promoting and developing fisheries and fisheries. The fishery area consists of approximately 500 fish owners, distributed by 12-13 hemman. The fishery area association is active in fisheries management through various environmental promotion fisheries management measures to create good conditions for long-term sustainable fish populations, both interesting for tourist fishing and home fishing.
Organization number: 802426-8289
Customer number: 375, Area: 336.Jens Karlsson
0730 - 67 00 89
Holmedalssjön, Lianetjärn m fl vatten
Vadjungen, Hemsjön, Kölaälven m fl vatten
Askesjön, Björkelången, Långtjärn Boda m.fl