Stenträskbäcken , Lilla Stenträsk , Girien, about 11 km long, abundant with trout and char, there are also small amounts of bass.
Located west of Danasjö at about 650m above sea level in mountainous terrain, Girien is about 11 km from the public road, a snowmobile trail follows the entire fishing route in winter. Stora Tallträsk and Hemsjön are abundant with perch, whitefish and also some larger trout.
It was probably founded in the 1960s and has its headquarters in Abborrberg, Storuman Municipality, with the aim of conveying fishing and providing good fishing water.
Organization number: 895400-9679
Customer number: 3016, Area: 3020.Tommy Linder
0733 - 84 77 70
Tommy Gustavsson
0702 - 36 46 95
Storumansjön, Umnässjön, Girjesån m fl vatten