Keräntöjärvi FVO


Keräntöjärvi FVO Keräntö- Kukas- Naakajärvi

  Norrbottens län / Pajala municipality.

Far up north is the Keräntöjärvi Fisheries Management Area, which offers fishing in Naakajärvi, Keräntöjärvi, and Kukasjärvi and their tributaries. The area is surrounded by magnificent nature in the middle of one of Sweden's Ecoparks.
If you want to enjoy high-class fishing, you should go to the lake that gave the eco-park its name, NAAKAJÄRVI, where you can catch grayling, planted char and trout as well as perch and lake.
Next to Naakajärvi there are overnight cabins to rent for both fishermen and other visitors to the Ecopark, also a wood-burning sauna with a jetty where you can take a cooling dip in the lake.
At the car park there is a dock suitable for the disabled and a toilet.

 This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Keräntöjärvi FVO.
 In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.
 The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 16.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)
 Endast i sällskap med målsman/vuxen
 Only hand held equipment
 Must have valid personal identification
 Please note that BAGLIMIT applies per fishing license purchased.

Fish species







Inplanteras kontinuerligt i Naakajärvi. Fångas främst på isfiske.

Brown Trout





Förökar sig naturligt i sjön Naakajärvi







Keräntöjärvi FVO

Logo Keräntöjärvi FVO

Kfvo was formed in 1978 to manage the fishery in the interest of the landowners.
The association is run by villagers in Keräntöjärvi.
In addition to private waters, the association leases the lake Naakajärvi, a well-known lake located in the Sveaskog Ecopark of the same name.

All income is reinvested in facilities and planting of fish in Naakajärvi.

Organization number: 897600-5424

Customer number: 3424, Area: 3481.

Contact persons

Patrik Edefall
0706 - 93 50 23


Fishing areas nearby Keräntöjärvi FVO

Torneälv, Tärendöälv, Piilojärvi m fl vatten
Saittarova Lautakoski FVOF
Lainio SFF

Affiliated fishing areas in Norrbottens län
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