Laholms Laxfiske

  • Gröningen
  • The salmon house
  • Lagaoset
  • Per Karls hall
  • The smokehouse with the steamboat
  • Lagaoset

Lagan (Laholms Laxfiske)

  Hallands län / Laholm municipality.

Salmon fishing in Lagan has been important to the residents of Laholm for a very long time. Kings, the church and citizens fought for a long time over the right to fish for salmon. At the end of the 19th century, 20-30 tons of salmon were caught each year. Only at the large Karsefors falls east of Laholm, up to 150 salmon could be caught a day. When the hydroelectric power was expanded at the beginning of the 20th century, the playgrounds disappeared and thus also the salmon. As compensation, the power company started a salmon farm in Laholm. A modern compensatory farm which now releases approx. 90,000 smolts annually in Lagan.

Sports fishing has for a long time been a popular leisure activity along Lagan's shores. The most common is spin fishing, but there are also stretches that are suitable for fishing with a fly. The entire distance from just downstream of the power plant in Laholm and out to the estuary is 8 km.

In the spring, the trout rise in the Lagan and fine shiny newly hatched salmon can be caught as early as the end of April. The salmon's migration up the Lagan provides fantastic autumn fishing with salmon of up to 14 kg and many catches of 7-8 kg.

1–7/3 and 1–14/10: Fishing only with an annual pass!

Don't forget to check the water flow forecast for Lagan before you buy a fishing license (day. 3-day license).

Water supply forecast (Statkraft)

 This area has one or more fishing spots available for disabled. For more information, please see the fishing area map, or contact Laholms Laxfiske.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 17.
 Only hand held equipment
 Must have valid personal identification
 Children / Youth must be able to fish on their own (Throw / crank / fish themselves)

Fish species



Laholms Laxfiske

Logo Laholms Laxfiske

Laholm Salmon fishing is one of Sweden's best salmon fishing in Lagan from the sea and up to Laholm's power station, about 8 km. The association was formed in 1983 and today consists of about 70 landowners, the municipality and Statkraft and works for good central fishing in Laholm.

Welcome to visit our own website!

Organization number: 849201-2524

Customer number: 865, Area: 825.

Contact persons

Laxahuset på Gröningen, kansli:
0725 - 77 01 96 (vardagar kl. 13.00-17.00)

  • Öppettider under fiskesäsong (1 mars - 14 okt) i Laxahuset:
    Mån-fre kl. 13.00-17.00
    Helger och röda dagar stängt

    Stängt vecka 27-30
    Under denna tiden kan man inte hämta ut årskort i Laxahuset. Man får då antingen skriva ut det med QR-koden, eller uppvisa det i mobilen.

    Varken e-post eller telefonsamtal kommer att besvaras under denna perioden.


  • Årskort:
    Årskort ska hämtas ut som ett fysiskt kort i Laxahuset på Gröningen under öppettider.
    Ta med giltig legitimation.
    Innan 1 mars är Laxahuset inte bemannat och man behöver avtala tid i förväg.


Fishing areas nearby Laholms Laxfiske

Lägerplatser Lagaleden (Laholm)

Affiliated fishing areas in Hallands län
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