Lilla Blåsjöns FVOF


Lill-Blåsjön m fl vatten

  Jämtlands län / Strömsund municipality.

35 km north of Gäddede, exit at Blåsjöfallet. Road to the dam Sippmikk .

Lill-Blåsjön, which also goes by the name Lilla Blåsjön is regulated with dust, from the lowest to the highest water level differs 12.5 meters. The water level is at its lowest in early May, filling up fairly quickly during May-June, until midsummer it is usually relatively high. However, the level fluctuates during the summer.

All waters have trout stocks, Lill-Blåsjön also char. Lill-Blåsjön and Pe - Arnsatjärn are located in spruce forest. Olatjärn and Pelletjärn at the tree line. Sippmikkbäcken is located above the tree line.

The following waters are available in the fisheries conservation area:
Lill-Blåsjön, Sågtjärnen, Sippmikk, Pe-Arnsatjärn, Olatjärn, Pelletjärn and Sippmikkbäcken.

NOTE! Rydstetstjärn and Hovdebäcken (Sjnjaptjabäcken), are not included in the fishing license and not allowed.
See map for additional information.

 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 17.

Fish species



Lilla Blåsjöns FVOF

Organization number: 893201-4205

Customer number: 3041, Area: 3046.

Contact persons

Janne Nässén
070 - 674 28 22


Fishing areas nearby Lilla Blåsjöns FVOF

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