
Löftaåns FVF



 se Hallands län / Kungsbacka municipality.

Welcome to the Löftaåns fiskevårdsförening!

Löftaån delimits the municipality of Varberg and Kungsbacka and opens at Frillesås community. Our fishing waters stretch from the sea to the railway bridge and only fish from the northern part of the river. A small parking space is available for a maximum of 3 cars. See map

As a member of the club you can also fish at Frillesås church, Snogge is the place, even that place you see on the map.

New rules for salmon and sea trout fishing on the west coast to protect the stocks. 

In order not to damage the leaked fish and fish that do not meet the standards in Löftaån, we have, on the recommendation of the County Administrative Board and the Swedish Anglers Association, permanently banned the ban on passive bottom fishing and fishing with a wooden hook in Löftaån during 1/4 - 15/5. We also have increased surveillance with fishing supervisors during the period.

The sea trout premiere on April 1 is a holiday day for anglers in Halland. From the sea, many shiny sea trout, so-called Greenlanders, have walked up to seek food in the rivers. The uncovered sea trout is also there, which in case of catch should be re-released, as it is unsuitable as a food fish. The sea trout fishing in the rivers lasts until 30 September. If the spring is hot and the water temperature rises quickly, fishing can end earlier. Then you must instead search for the fish along the coast. At large water flows in August and September, the sea trout begins to migrate back into the watercourses for play. Sea trout plays in October - December.

Fish species

Sea trout




Löftaåns FVF

Logo Löftaåns FVF

Our business is also focused on biotope care by Löftaån and to know how our work produces results, it is mandatory that you report your catch to us regardless of whether you bring up or return the fish.

We would also be happy if you become a member of our club and thus help us further improve our work with continued biotope care in Löftaån.

Organization number: 849400-7829

Customer number: 1099, Area: 1060.

Contact persons


Fishing areas nearby Löftaåns FVF


Stora och lilla Hornsjön (Horredssjön), Helsjön mfl

Viskan (Kullagård, Åsbro)


Stora Neden, Furesjön, Gällarpesjön samt Gällsjön

Affiliated fishing areas in Hallands län
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