Salmon is one of the fish species that can act as an intermediate host for the spiral worm, Anisakis simplex .
The fishing at Kullagård, Högaström and Åsbro stretches from Kullagårdsbron in Veddige to just west of Åsbro in Derome.
Fishing is conducted with all types of gear, spin fishing, angling and fly fishing. The average weight of the catches is between 4-5 kg and it is not uncommon to catch salmon of +10 kg each year. The peak of the season is in June and July when the largest salmon are usually landed, during August and September the so-called "grill" rises.
At the fishing spots Kullagård and Åsbro there is a barbecue area and at Kullagård there is an attic.
The association shall undertake fishing measures promoting various types. Work is being done to improve the migration of fish and reproduction in Viskan . An attractive fishing effort must be created for the public, in particular where young people's interest in sport fishing is strengthened.
Organization number: 716442-1112
Customer number: 216, Area: 176.TVV Samfällighetsförening
Stora och lilla Hornsjön (Horredssjön), Helsjön mfl
Stora Neden, Furesjön, Gällarpesjön samt Gällsjön