Luhrsjön is situated in a scenic area in northern Skåne between Hästveda and Farstorp about 20 km north of Hässleholm on highway 23. Turn off in Hästveda and drive towards Farstorp-Bjärnum and you will find it right!
Here you will find: perch, bush, braxen, björn, pike, goose, gossip, roach, ruda, sarv, sutare, sikloja, eel and perhaps other things that trickle in the depths.
Luhrsjön has a maximum depth of about 12 meters and an average depth of 3.9 meters.
The coastline is 13.6 km and the area is 3.43 square kilometers and it is 55 meters above sea level.
Boat launch ramp is located at the Bubbarps bath at the western end of Luhr's lake.
Luhrsjöbadet's camping and dining at the eastern end of the lake has boat rentals, but not in the fishery area's direction (seasonal opening).
The largest reported pike in recent years weighed 11.2 kg and was 116 cm.
The largest reported gossip last year weighed 9.2 kg and was 96 cm.
If you catch anything nice, please report to us. We award the largest documented catch each year with an annual card for next year! Also, listen to other thoughts and thoughts about the lake.
The association shall work to preserve the natural values that exist in and around Lake Luhrsjön and take the necessary measures to protect and improve them.
The Board works for the best of the Luhrsjön and is happy to receive ideas and suggestions that can benefit all of us around our beautiful lake. Feel free to contact any of us if you have any questions you wish to discuss.
Organization number: 802440-3647
Customer number: 348, Area: 309.Ordförande:
Kim Pettersson
0705 - 50 37 82
Vice ordförande:
Kristofer Brännström
0734 - 34 47 40
Mailkontakt till fiskevårdsområdet:
Luhrsjöbadens Servering o Camping
Skeingesjön och Helge Å (del av)