NSFK Fly Fishing
Norsjö SFK has 4 fly fishing waters that are open 15 May - 30 September and require a separate fishing license.
N. Hackestjärn: http://www.norsjosfk.se/catch/brun_hacken/n.hackestjarn.htm
Brown swamp: http://www.norsjosfk.se/images/textPartBackGround.gif
Stone swamp: http://www.norsjosfk.se/images/textPartBackGround.gif
Template loan: http://www.norsjosfk.se/images/textPartBackGround.gif
(Upper Krokforsen-Mönnforsen)
In addition to the club's own waters with planted trout, rainbow trout and char
and the stretches that the club manages in Malån & Skäppträskån with rough trout and grayling, fishing for the following species is also recommended:
Other fishing in the municipality:
In addition to the club's own waters with planted trout, rainbow trout and char
and the stretches that the club manages in Malån & Skäppträskån with rough trout and grayling, fishing for the following species is also recommended:
Both Norsjö and Malå have a number of larger lakes and reservoirs such as
for coarse pike that can be caught both on a spinner and on a fly.
The vast majority of smaller lakes also have a good supply of pike in the 2-3 kg size.
You can find VERY coarse perch in many of our lakes, fish over 1kg not very uncommon. They can be fished both on the ice during late spring (April) and spinning during the summer with light equipment.
Norsjön, Mensträsket are a couple of lakes with coarse fish.
In the large reservoirs in the Skellefteälven, very large fish are caught every year, but this is a fishery that is almost untapped, with the greatest certainty that fish of record sizes can be found here. Despite very sparing fishing, many fish over 4 kg are caught every year on pimpel. Large fish are also found in many of the large lakes.
In the area around Bjursele/Pjäsörn there are a number of waters and waterways with large bream. Among them we can mention Bjurselån, Braxenträsket, Lidsträsken and others. Whitefish:
Around midsummer, whitefish fishing is at its peak in several lakes in Malå and Norsjö.
In many cases, a boat or floating ring is required here, but in return you can get fishing that you have never experienced before with whitefish that behave like trout.
With big brown or black dry flies you can't fail, they bite wildly!
For those of you who don't fly fish, spin fishing with small spinners is also effective.
Some lakes that are especially recommended are BRUNTRÄSKET, near Malå, and BREDTRÄSKET, located approx. 1.5 miles south of Glommersträsk at the Norrbottensgränsen.
In Bredträsket, you can fish from shore because it largely consists of sandy beaches where you can wade 15-20 meters without any problems, the fish also come right up to shore, here you can also find grayling, trout and char.
In flowing water, the Stensundsforsen in Sorsele must be visited, very coarse whitefish in incredible quantities! Best time 20/7 - 20/8, night fishing!
Here is also one of the country's best grayling fishing. DO NOT MISS THIS!
In addition to this, there are of course other waters, both lakes and flowing water with grayling and trout, but due to very heavy fishing pressure, the quality is mixed.
Both Malå SFK and Norsjö SFK are working hard to change the fishing methods of the local population, where "kagg fishing" has been very widespread. Through the ongoing trials in Malån/Skäppträskån, we are beginning to see that our waters produce just as big fish as in other places where fishing is regulated, small extraction produces big fish.
It is therefore gratifying that the new view of sport fishing that is spreading even among the local population is that our flowing waters are far too valuable to be used to fill the freezer with, in these most of what is caught should be put back.
The "put and take" waters that exist are then the waters where everyone can catch their food fish without destroying a natural population of wild fish.
Now we are also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/norsjosfk
Organization number: 894701-8043
Customer number: 3404, Area: 3461.Steve Björk
0702 - 32 40 19
Sandselet-Gallejaurs FVO Sandselet-Gallejaurdammarna Skellefteälven
Kvammarn, Gissträsk, Lillholmträsk
Granträsket, Fäbodträsket, Kalvträsket, Grubbträsket