Öjaren is a lake in Gävle municipality north of Sandviken. The lake is part of the Gävleån river basin and is drained by the Högboån (Säverängsån). It is 10 meters deep and has an area of 19.6 square kilometers.
The lake has a good supply of pike and perch, partly coarse.
The fisheries management area includes the lakes Öjaren, Lillsjön, Långsjön and Järvsjön. Fishing is also permitted in other waters within the boundaries of the fisheries management area.
Ideal association with a seat in Sandviken and a board consisting of 7 members. There are 4 trained fish addicts in the association.
Organization number: 802600-9574
Customer number: 1087, Area: 1051.Torbjörn Johansson
Östby FVOF Testeboån Vittersjön Norrtjärn Gnöttjärn