The area is embedded in beautiful mountainous nature where small villages are interspersed between forest and water. The fisheries management area offers varied fishing for most of the fish found in the mountain area. However, it is rough trout, pike and perch that most people associate Rämshyttan's fvo with.
The fisheries management area was formed in 1986 as a reorganization of the former fisheries management association. In 2011, the area was expanded with the lakes Tunsnäs-Långsjön and Tunsan. In this expansion, however, crayfish fishing was not included.
The fisheries management area consists of 63 lakes and ponds over 1 ha, which in total provide 1650 ha of water that the association manages in addition to the flowing waters.
Rämshyttan's fishing area (fvo) is managed by Rämshyttan's fishing area (fvof). The association consists of approx. 650 fishing right owners who have fishing rights via approximately the same number of properties. You cannot therefore become a member of the association in any other way than owning a property with fishing rights within the fisheries management area.
The association holds an annual general meeting, at which decisions are made on the composition of the board, fisheries conservation measures and other matters common to the owners of fishing rights. The activities that the association carries out include, among other things:
Organization number: 802427-2679
Customer number: 3318, Area: 3377.Ronnie Hermansson
Tipsa vår fisketillsynsamordnare direkt om du upptäcker något som är fel:
Jan Sundqvist: 070-586 30 12
Övre Hillen, Nedre Hillen, Gårlången, Ljussjön m fl sjöar