Saittarova Intresseförening

  • Pahakurkkio
  • Pahakurkkio
  • Bastu Saarikoski
  • The guard cabin
  • Watchman's cabin kitchen
  • Watchman's hut 2
  • Friggebodan 2
  • Frigge's shed
  • Friggebodan 3
  • Käyräjärvi Södra 1
  • Käyräjärvi Northern kitchen
  • Käyräjärvi South and North
  • Käyräjärvi Southern kitchen
  • Saarikoski Norra Kök
  • Saarikoski Norra kök 2
  • Saarikoski Norra rum 2
  • Saarikoskistugan

Saarikoski, Kalixälven, Käyräjärvi m fl vatten

  Norrbottens län / Pajala municipality.

In lake Käyräjärvi there are planted fish, rainbow trout and trout.

In the Kalixälven we have fine fishing waters with salmon, grayling, trout etc. The stretch we manage starts at the Lapland border and ends just below Pahakurkkio. A very scenic area with, among other things, a 3 km long rapids with rocky shores.

At Saarikoski there are cabins for rent. Saarikoski North with 8 beds, Saarikoski South with 6 beds. These parts of a wood-burning sauna. In addition, the Friggeboden is a short distance away with 2 beds, no sauna.

At Lake Käyräjärvi there are the following cottages:

Käyräjärvi North with 8 beds, Käyräjärvi Södra with 8 beds. These parts of a sauna.

On the other side of the lake is the Bevakarstugan with 5 beds, own sauna.

All cabins are equipped with a gas stove, wood stove, some pot and cutlery, mattresses, blankets and pillows. Outhouse. Your own bed linen and toilet paper are included. The cottages are cleaned by the tenants when they leave the cottage. Keys are picked up and left at the Saittaboden in a key cabinet unless otherwise agreed.

Booking here at I-Fiske.

 In this area, there is one or more "put and take" waters.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)
 The keeper must have taken note of and approved the applicable fishing rules and regulations.

Fish species

Rainbow trout















Saittarova Intresseförening

Saittarova Interest Association works for the village's development.

We run a shop in Saittarova, Saittaboden. The store is staffed weekdays 11-17, but is open around the clock. At other times, you log in with an app FlexyPay that you download from the Appstore or Google Play. Identification takes place with Bank ID.

We manage Sveaskog's and Fastighetsverket's fishing waters in the Saarikoski area. In the area there are also lakes with implanted fish.

Cabins are available for rent. Booking here at I-Fiske.

Staffed opening hours Saittaboden: weekdays 11-17, other times digital store.
Phone +46725702044, email:

Organization number: 897600-5465

Customer number: 3097, Area: 3105.

Contact persons


Files to download


Fishing areas nearby Saittarova Intresseförening

Masugnsbyns fvoF Kalix älv
Ängesån, Puorojärvi & Karrajärvi
Torneälv, Tärendöälv, Piilojärvi m fl vatten
Saittarova Lautakoski FVOF
Lainio SFF

Affiliated fishing areas in Norrbottens län
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