Slottstornet AB


Slottstornet Vildmarksfiske

  Östergötlands län / Linköping municipality.

Welcome to Wilderness Fishing at Stjärnorps Egendom, located in the beautiful Stjärnorpsbygden!

The lakes for which the fishing license applies are Axsjön, Grytsjön, Skärgölen, Ämten and Ölången .

Here you can fish in pure natural water for primarily pike and perch. Our fishing waters are located in large woodlands with tremendous opportunities to experience nature's undisturbed and rich wildlife. Here you can also be fascinated by the sound of silence and let the stress of everyday life be swallowed by the whisper of the forests. In the lakes Ämten, Ölången and Grytsjön there is a boat to borrow at no cost provided you have a valid fishing license!

 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 14.
 Only in company with a keeper / adult / person who holds a valid fishing license (on his quota)

Fish species







Slottstornet AB

Stjärnorps Property
Stjärnorps Egendom is managed and owned by Slottstornet AB, from a long-term perspective with regard to the natural conditions of the land. Environmental and cultural care are important factors in the work of managing the property's management. The use of the land creates the conditions for preserving the area's beautiful environment with a living countryside.

Stjärnorps Egendom consists mainly of the castle plant, the large forests and the farmland. There are also about 80 buildings, of which about 40 are permanent and holiday homes. There are about 40 lakes and gorges on the property. The farmland is unpaved and the hunt is run on its own at about 1,500 hectares. In total, there are about 55 grants in agriculture, hunting, fishing and other facilities.

Welcome to experience the beautiful nature today and in the future, with respect to animals and nature!

Organization number: 556454-2107

Customer number: 234, Area: 194.

Contact persons

Johan Carpholm
0142 - 525 25


Fishing areas nearby Slottstornet AB

Ljungsjön, samt del av Motala ström
Kvarnsjön och Melby kvarndamm
Svartån (nedre)

Affiliated fishing areas in Östergötlands län
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