Welcome to fish one in beautiful and historic surroundings. Our fishing waters are within the mythical Ödmården in southern Hälsingland. In addition to the larger lakes, you can also fish along the streams that stretch down to lake Björkången. There are also some smaller ponds within the fisheries conservation area. Goose is planted out in Tönnångerssjön subject to availability. Perch and large pike are plentiful. At the bridge that separates Lake Tönnångersjön and Näsfjärden, there is the option of launching a boat via a gravel descent. A beautiful canoe trail also runs through the association's waters all the way down to Lake Tönnebrosjön. Wind shelter and barbecue area are available on the island of Hästholmen in Tönnångersjön. At the bathing place Storsand in the village of Älgnäs you can enjoy a beautiful sunset and there is also a barbecue area and benches to sit on.
Tönnånger-Älgnäs fisheries management association was formed in 1971.
Our purposes according to the statutes: Manage the fishing waters that are part of the association. Prepare opportunities for sport fishing according to the fishing plan. Cooperate with authorities and other organizations for the promotion of fishing. Maintain planting to the required extent Prevent and discourage illegal fishing.
Organization number: 8025047369
Customer number: 3525, Area: 3591.Stefan Andersson, Ordförande
0702 - 51 23 19
Richard Blanksvärd, Kassör
0703 - 52 06 98
Säbyggeby - Mörtebo fiskeförening
Florsjön, Bocksjön, Stora Örtjärn, Lilla Örtjärn, Acktjärn, Igeltjärn Kyrkbyn, Igeltjärn Näset mfl
SFK Ycklaren Testeboån, Sjön Ycklaren samt Sarvtjärn (P&T)