Vittsjö Nya FVOF

  Skåne län / Hässleholm municipality.

The fishing license is valid for the following waters: Lehultasjön, Lilla sjö, Hårsjön, Högholmasjön (= Höjalasjön), Gängessjön, Oresjön, Mellansjön, Pickelsjön, Ramnsjön, Gustav Adolfsån, Vittsjön, Malmsjön, Skärsjön, Markasjön and Vievult down to Staie Lake.

The most popular water in the lake system is Vittsjön, which is located in a scenic area in northern Skåne just next to the Småland border in the village of Vittsjö. The lake is also very beautifully situated with scenic surroundings that are nestled in attractive greenery and lush forest areas. Vittsjön is a relatively large lake that is part of a larger lake system. The lake houses a fine population of mostly mountain carp, but there also occasionally swim mirror carp and there are both older and young individuals.

The lake is partly in the middle of Vittsjö community, and it is quite accessible with walking paths around large parts of the lake. Some parts of the beaches are private and parts of Näset are nature reserves. The depth of the lake varies with a maximum depth of around 8.5 meters. The bottom is muddy in some places, but in some places you can find quite hard and clean bottom consisting of sand / gravel and stone as well as elements of iron ore. The water is very brown (humus) and the visibility depth is very limited.

 The area includes one or more fishing areas for catch-and-release, i.e the fishes are gently put back into the water alive.
 Free fishing for children and adolescents up to the age of 15.
 Children / Youth must be able to fish on their own (Throw / crank / fish themselves)

Fish species









Brown Trout







Vittsjö Nya FVOF

Logo Vittsjö Nya FVOF

Vittsjö's new FVOF was formed on 23/4 1998 and is a reorganization / expansion of Vittsjö's fisheries conservation area that has existed since 24/2 1976.

FVOF´'s purpose is, among other things, to:

  • Conduct active water and fisheries management
  • Coordinate and create common rules for fishing
  • Protect the interests of fishing right holders
  • Provide fishing to the public

Organization number: 802601-3220

Customer number: 842, Area: 802.

Contact persons

Thomas Nilsson


Fishing areas nearby Vittsjö Nya FVOF

Bjärlången Dalsjön
Lagan, Lokasjön, Getesjön m fl vatten
Lägerplatser Lagaleden (Markaryd)
Almaån (Övre)

Affiliated fishing areas in Skåne län
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