Lars-Olof Kristiansson (Fishing guide / Instructor)

Lars-Olof Kristiansson

My name is Lars-Olof Kristiansson. I have fished on the coast since 1967.
My home Waters is Öresund and Skälderviken, and my favorite fish is seatrout/searun Brown. I fish a lot, and as a guide I offer trips around the coast. We vill seek out the best places of the season and most likely, more in a day. I will do my best to give you a good experience on the coast.

Guiding in public streams in north Skåne, south Halland.
Access private streams, with brown trout and if you are skilled and lucky, sea trout and salmon.
Private rainbow ponds.
Special offer in resident, check By the Red House, Domsten.


NameLars-Olof Kristiansson
Fishing watersÖresund, Skälderviken, kust syd Halmstad. Kortfiske i sötvatten och put-take sjöar. Fiske turbåt på Öresund. Kustfiske norra Själland
SeasonsYear round
Freelance guideYes!

Language skills

 English (Engelska / Englisch)Advanced
 Svenska (Swedish / Schwedisch)First language
 Deutsch (Tyska / German)Very basic
 Dansk (Danish / Danska)Advanced

Fishing techniques

Fly (Enhand)
Fly (two-handed)

 Contact information

 Mobile phone number: +46(0)708660806
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